When a girl only dates guys beneath her because the birth control she's on has her hormones so fucked up that she's attracted to the pheromones of weak, feminine men. These relationships typically end after the girl stops taking birth control as she discovers how naturally repulsed she is of her sissy bf after the fact.

Similar to "chocolate-covered raisin" relationships. You could put chocolate on anything — caramel, marshmallows, peanut butter, etc — putting it on a raisin is just insulting.
"Why is she dating that guy? He must be really funny, have a lot of money or a big donkey dick."

"No he's a loser, it's a birth control relationship."
by derp216 September 6, 2022
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Can be used for a newly found relationship or a really bad break up, its basicly either when a friend has just gotten into a relationship and WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT THERE FUCKING PARTNER or, when they break up and it wwIII, they will eye eachother out, get there friends involved and start a massive facebook fight THAT WILL SPAM YOUR NOTIFICATIONS BECAUSE YOU'RE PROBOBLY THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE GETTING TAGED IN THIS SHIT!
1) damn it, stacy gonna ask out tim and were gonna get the relationship impact because we put up with her shit
2) watch out, tim just cheated on stacy, prepare for the relationship impact
by Mishamisha June 3, 2015
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It’s a strong and healthy relationship in the winter , but in the summer it’s a open relationship
-I hooked up with a girl tonight !
- Really? Aren’t you in a relationship???
-I’m in a nicklex relationship 😉
by n1klgc November 12, 2022
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Two friend who want to take their friendship to a higher level, right before becoming a couple.
I believe that Tom and Shelly have a "Frienutual relationship"
by jellofuckedhouse October 31, 2009
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A man named Kyle who claims he doesn’t do relationships but in reality he does. Side note usually chews with his mouth open and blames it on his jaw. Also probably one of the most ignorant people you can encounter.
Nigga you is a relationship Kyle.
by Slime’n nigga November 10, 2019
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Anytime two people can be together infinitely and never get bored or angry and constantly want to see each other. This is the best feeling in the world. If you have it. Never ruin it.
Wow! Cody and Mackenzie have the most perfect relationship ever.
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