That is a person, who licks a lot of pussy.
Look at that pussy licker, he licks her everyday.
by Pornoguy69 January 4, 2017
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Very fancy cowboy boots that can get you attention from the opposite sex
I’m gonna put on my pussy lickers before I go honky-tonkin, hopefully I get some action tonight.
by Shamedog February 14, 2021
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A female's genital part that has cummed and is being licked by the man during sex.
Mhg~ mommy~ that pussy is so lickable~

*I'm becoming a pussy licker*
by Ihave8vibrators October 11, 2023
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where your saying someone sucks pussy
what a fat fucking fanny licker
by December 5, 2021
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Noun: Person who prefers the taste of the 100 year old mouthwash to the actual taste of the person they are with.
The Lavoris Licker chugged half a bottle to wipe out the raunchy morning taste.
by Weena69 June 30, 2013
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Illegal on other planets.
Bro look at that doorknob licker, I bet he gets arrested by tomorrow morning.
by jesuisglassjoe October 14, 2021
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