Best person alive. Best at soccer. Has the best hair. And if someone hurts Simons friends, they will be knocked out.
Simon Berry is pretty cool.
Soccer is Simon Berry’s middle name.
by 74)45286482&!;! June 13, 2020
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A zesty ass n*gga named DeAndre who gets no b*tches; PS: if you say rankle berry three times in a roll he will spawn out of nowhere 💨 .
Das cooo rankle berryyy🤪
by Mr Rankle berry October 9, 2023
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1. Where berries grow
2. Hairy vagina
3. Slang for a type of kush
1. I want a berry bush!

2. I need to shave this crazy looking berry bush.

3. Get me some of DAT berry bush!
by Black_Beauty.Queen November 5, 2017
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A woman who will pick berries with you and make Berry pies
Tommy really wants a berry wife and get berry pegged
by Future Sloth March 9, 2022
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(1) Fruit that just doesn't taste good at all.

(2) Someone that smells really bad.

(3) Someone with a bad personality.
(1) This apple taste like coochie berries!

(2) Liliane smelled like a coochie berry today.

(3) Ryan acts like such a coochie berry!
by December 19, 2022
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Did you hear that Karen is in berry? Might explain the mood swings
by Peterbaitmate June 6, 2022
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