When you chime in a conversation with something of no relevance.
Guy 1 - dude last night was awesome!
Guy 2- yeah man unreal night, can’t believe how messy it was.
Moose - just caught a 16lbs trout with my new rod lads!

Guy 1 - He’s doing a moose again..
by Kberg_King February 1, 2019
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Noun: Poop, usually formed as a large pile of small turds.
If you're going down to the river, watch out for moose nuggets along the trail, or worse, bear poop.
Hose off your boots if you stepped in moose nuggets.
by Dymaxion13 October 29, 2019
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In the winter a moose penis grows to epic proportions to rival all others in the animal kingdom. This allows moose to travel over ice safer having a fifth appendage to stablize.
That tall security guard over there is hung like a winter moose. I see the tip hanging out the bottom of his jeans.
by Moose expert guy September 12, 2021
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A predator who has a run in with a moose antler. Communities and playgrounds are safer after this interaction.
The police department posted that another MAAP- Moose Antler Attracted Person is going to be living 4 blocks away from an elementary school.
by Gerswon Miahjere March 15, 2023
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Like completely sober. No substances in the body
Yo bro are you drunk or something?”
nah bro I’m sober as a moose
by Eckerdislit53 November 22, 2020
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