When someone goes on holiday after a long painful contract negotiation.
That's was fun... see you on the flippity flop.
by AnonymousScotsman September 9, 2022
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The 200 something pound Guy who makes a mark for only doing BELLY FLOPS OF THE "DIVING BOARD" and piwers through the Red marks he gets and does it more than twice. He also gets praised for doing the Belly FLOPS and lowering through the Big RED MARKS he gets.
Did you see Belly Flop Man he is being so awesome, he's doing BELLY FLOPS for our amusement I love him. I wish I had the coujrage and confidence he has.
by THE.GOD.OF.RANDOMNESS December 5, 2018
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To pull out one's penis in order to either urinate or for sexual purposes.
"Excuse me, I just need to go 'flop the chop'. I'll be back in a moment.
by Melbear August 18, 2018
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Mentally handicapped or just plain stupid individuals between the ages of 5 and 15. Otherwise known as queefbags and douchetwats.
A wrist flop child will often be less intelligent than the average douchebag, twatnugget, or krauser.
by Ted Zimmerman February 7, 2009
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A word to use when you see something floppy or juice.
the juice in my belly button went flipperdy flop .
by silly sausage bum November 23, 2019
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A lps (littles pet shop) puffin flying in the air
Person:Is that a plane Superman no it’s puffin

Puffin: flop~ flop~
Sound effect * flop~flop*
by Littlest pet shop PUffiN October 3, 2020
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A rare contagious disease that causes multiple personality disorder causing those infected to act in strange ways. This disease is brought on by spending too much time in flops fantasy football or interacting with those who have been diagnosed with the disease
Yo what happened to jack he keeps telling me to kms and is claiming hes the Vice President? Oh you didnt hear he joined flops league and caught Flops league Syndrome.
by flops league knower August 3, 2023
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