When you go off of Rowan’s time and end up in futurama by the time she is actually ready
Ha! I am Ro spelled R-O I will be there in “45 minutes”
by Captain za October 27, 2023
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An unusual amount of time that is undetermined to be waiting on a teammate to ready up in any xbox game.
Holy shit McMillion are you goin to take a McMillion Minute to ready the fuck up so we can play.

McMillion “I thought I was readied up im sorry guys”
by TastyRage December 25, 2019
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Unknown conversion rate from standard minutes. Can be experienced most prevalently when trying to play a custom game. Time is proportional to the amount of dope smoked.
"He said like, idk, 5 minutes." " Yeah but zach minutes tho"
by wahtsuploser February 5, 2021
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The minutes that define your job in a business work week or day, The ones you count until you can leave and cash that check.
"Hey man how many more business minutes do you got before you get off work?"
by BOIO BOOKKEEPER January 24, 2022
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The time for an avarage person to find a normal definition of a word on Urban Dictionary.
Teacher: Everyone, int today 's lesson we are going to learn alot vocabularies. Today's main question is: what is the definition of the word "pandemic"
a while later...
teacher: alright times up, jimmy, what have you found?
jimmy: i haven't find anything on the urban dictionary!
teacher: how many times do i have to tell you jimmy, it will take 30 minutes to find a normal definition on urban dictionary!
by gdplayer December 22, 2022
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When you laugh at something that somebody said out of respect before you realize that the joke was either bad or directed negatively towards you
James: I guarantee that the people around me all have super tiny dicks.
Ryan: Ha! Wait a minute...
James: lol u dumbass XD
by Retard_Ryan February 4, 2023
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it takes only ten minutes to orgasm during sex for somebody that is a "ten minute striker" and thus may be bullied for it.
"I bet Josh is a ten minute striker"
by UKnowItsTrue October 20, 2014
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