The almighty ruler of heaven and earth. Well thats "God". If your just talking about "a god" it could be Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, or even Bob if you want.
Some people do not believe in any god, and some believe in a symbolic one. These are the most brilliant people on the planet(including John Lennon & I). They understand that they will not appear in a fiery pit or anywhere else after they die. Yet they live as well as any Christian because they know that hell is every bit of guilt, depression, rejection, and pain felt in life, and that heaven is all comfort, happiness, love, and peace. Some pray to a god for hours everyday. Do they think He likes to, or is even able to listen to millions of people talk about their problems? They could spend that time doing good for the world and then they wouldn't feel so depressed, & would have friends to talk to instead of just God. If every minute spent praying for God to help the world was spent actually helping the world, we would live in heaven.
"I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong." -John Lennon
by Jim Steele August 8, 2006
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When all is lost the guy that will light your way
Also smight you when your wrong
"When your all alone in your room it is god who turns the light on."
"When you wish bad on other and bad things happen to you. You were smited"
by karrie January 9, 2006
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A word that is used mainly after writing ''oh'' that is used in lots of sentences to show something that the people that uses it find revolting, disgusting and about every feeling that you can have.
Oh god, that guy is totally out of topic, we are speaking here about religion issues that have indeed no relation with
by pseudonym December 29, 2005
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God -- Created the universe, etc.
How can God not exist? How does just 1 planet out of all known planets by some small chance have Oxygen and water on it, instead of Carbon Dioxide, etc., like all the other planets? What are the chances?

Here are the chances: Go to a planeyard, and find all the parts to a broken plane. Push them into a pile, and wait until a hurricane comes. When it does, do you think it will be assembled into how it was when it was made? That is the kind of chance, that Earth just randomly had Oxygen and somehow formed humans.
by I have a brain, :o December 21, 2005
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god = the unexplainable

god is everything we can't explain, therefor EVERYONE BELIEVES in him/her/it.
I call god a belief, religion starts where people try to explain the unexplainable.

until everything is explained, god is all, because even the slightest unexplainable fact may result in an "upside down world".
by ejk November 15, 2005
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GOD constantly exhibits LOVE and MERCY to all in our awareness. He made yellow & red traffic lights that are constantly run through by us in our daily lives. Because we hide our faces from GOD, HE hides HIS face from us. GOD is currently working on ending sin, much as scientists are trying to cure cancer in a Petri dish. We know who GOD is when our best friend or parent suddenly dies - when we carry water in buckets over rubble to earthquake survivors - when we puke from all our porno & bitter attitudes. GOD gave us free choice to run in circles & rationalize HE's not there. Coincidences are GOD's way of remaining anonymous.
Material wants and lusts are magnets pulling us DOWN into carbon dust. Spiritual longing for GOD is love pulling us UP into spirit. This world is a stage - we are actors. Humans are caught in, & torn between carbon dust & loving spirit. The magnetic pull of these two polarities is too much for some of us, but inevitable.
by svetlanunobtainable January 2, 2012
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There are two definitions of "God":
a. The only truly omniscient, omnipotent supernatural being who is worshipped by people who believe in Him. In the Bible, it states that He gave His only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins and to redeem us from eternal fire and hell.
b. Anything that controls over someone's life.
a. Dear Lord...(a prayer starter)
b. You are my god.
by Sage Sterling March 17, 2004
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