A snake handling technique where you use a snake hook to repeatedly pull a snake in the direction opposite to where it is trying to flee while backing up until the snake is exhausted enough to pick it up by the tail.
I saw a guy try to use the danger-rope-a-dope on a black mamba, and he almost didn't die.
by F.Dirac July 26, 2018
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A term used by a jealous woman to describe the full, voluptuous, creamy breasts of another woman in an effort to belittle or shame the big-breasted woman, which almost always backfires, making it obvious that the hater is triggered.
by SeaEllKay January 4, 2023
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When your new dealer doesn't show up with the drugs.
That new dude that said he could get us blow never showed up. What a dope choker.
by RoxyMoran August 26, 2018
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A synonym for anything that is awesome. Usually used as adjective.
I agree and the music in was dope cats too!
by Jenny Henny March 11, 2011
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The practice of adding the left-over bit of your healthy green smoothie from the previous day to a new smoothie you are making, therefore increasing the nutrient value and supplement density of the new smoothie (and avoiding wasted smoothie).
"Hey, what's that little jar of green goop in the fridge?"
"Oh, that's left-over spinach, kale, Omega-3, cantaloupe smoothie. It's for smoothie doping tomorrow."
by Jennzo September 22, 2015
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To say Dope tree is to either call the tree dope or your just referencing the Friday Night Funkin' Mod about shaggy where he just says tree dope or dope tree.
Dope tree is to call the tree dope cause it's a cool gamer god.
by amooguss May 31, 2021
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