When your fucking a girl and you come on her face you go to the bathroom right quick then shave a good chunk of pubes sneak up behind her yank her hair and when she turns around and yells at you you throw the pubes so they stick to her face like fur on a gorrila....
Let's do a laughing gorilla tonight babe.
by Stevejobsownsapc January 16, 2018
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A gorilla that has been whipped on the back many times and is very angry so it looks like you hit it with a hatchet.
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When you have such bad diarrhea, that you have no choice but to sit on the toilet for hours.
“I ate Mexican food earlier and now I have gorilla guts

“I had gorilla guts last night, I lost a few pounds”

“Have you seen stall #4, it looks like someone had gorilla guts”
by BoyBoyBaggins July 27, 2021
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Something a dumb twat said he can knock my friend out because he does it
Dumb as : I do gorilla boxing I can knock you out in 1 punch.
by Garyj2020 June 22, 2020
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The action of flexing one's breast to make them bounce.
"Can you do the gorilla dance?"
"Yeah bro, watch this!"
by TheLastRelic April 10, 2018
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Metal music that sounds like what you'd get if you put a bunch of gorillas behind some instruments. Usually described by gatekeepers as "real metal." It is essentially the metal version of butt rock, but significantly less commercially accessible. Gorilla Metal can quickly be identified by the use of 7 and 8 string guitars to make up for a lack of creative writing ability, tasteless drumming that consists mainly of smacking the kit as loud and frequently as possible, and mainly screamed vocals. If there are clean vocals, they are certainly autotuned garbage.
Jim: "Hey, do you like Crown the Empire?"
Hank: "Nah man, I don't listen to Gorilla Metal"
by Menico D'roh April 24, 2022
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These are the five traits that create the great-gorilla, "the wise monkeys":

- Energind ("ADD/ADHD") - "See No Evil"
Because they are very imaginative and caring.
- Huquency ("HSP/Empath") - "Hear No Evil"
Because they don't take anything as insults. They understand other people's perspectives.
- Trualist ("ASP/ASD") - "Speak No Evil"
Because they are brutally honest.
- Timester ("OCD/OCPD") - "Smell No Evil"
Because they are so cleanly and organized, they have a good sense of time. Virtuous.
- Freespective ("ODD") - "Do No Evil"
Because they are very freedom oriented. They don't like being told what to do, and they don't tell other people what to do. Freedom.

If you have ALL FIVE of these traits, related to the spiritually activated five senses… then you are a GREAT-GORILLA!!
"That great-gorilla person over there… what a powerful aura. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know whether to be angry, afraid… or maybe we should diagnose that person with all these 'disorders'. To make me feel that I am above, and that that person is below me. So that they know their place."
by NeoTPolaris August 31, 2023
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