Telling someone what they want to hear to get what you want. Boosting someone's ego to get what you want from them. Making them feel special about themselves.
I'm about to Jack ball this guy,boost his ego a little bit, to get what I want.
by Nelly Pueblo July 19, 2018
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Extinction balls are what a man is left with after a vasectomy. If we relied upon these balls to propagate the human species it would cause extinction of the species.

Latin: extinctio sphera
random guy: Hey dude how are your balls doing
dude: Not bad but I think I will change them to extinction balls, the child support bills are too big.
by the bestestestest person ever November 3, 2020
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A baseball fan who tries to secure a catch of a home run/foul ball, but drops it.

(in reference to a male's testicles dropping as they undergo puberty)
The dude in the stands who tried catching Judge's home run ended up with a puberty ball.
by Original Orangutans November 2, 2022
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The act of putting ones testicles in another's B-Hole. Often preceded by fisting. :)
I was ball jacking that trick so hard last night. My balls fucking hurt BRO!
by The-Muff February 27, 2014
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Big dust ball is a guy who looks for all kinds of long and fat items to shove up their ass to keep in for 8 hours on end
Yo big dust ball how do u like that racket up your ass
by Snakeknower March 12, 2016
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