Yellow paint, in bottles or balloons, containing human urine, thrown in protest at the scene of police beatings, police shootings, and police speed traps in order to warn the public of these police activities.
Those pigs get the yellow stain of shame
by Muley101 September 3, 2015
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Vincent-Shaming is when you develop a really unhealthy, completely unreasonable crush on someone called Vincent, whom you've only met like four times and thinking about him takes up your whole day everyday and then your mean roommate says you've been stood up by Vincent.
"i really like Vincent" "haha he doesn't text you back and you're a loser and I'm Vincent-Shaming you"
by Carlogio June 12, 2023
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Forced to ride a Lime (electric scooter) from another person(s) house, apartment, condo, etc..; to your place of residence wearing the same clothes you had on the night before, typically after a one-night stand.
Bro, I saw this chick doing the Lime of shame on Barton Springs this morning.
by necrospankula September 23, 2018
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The shame and anxiety one suffers while taking a shit. Often happens at weak moments after you've recently done something stupid.
Tim: Man, i'm got a serious case of shitter's shame just now

Ben: Why? Whats up man?

Tim: I keep feeling real insecure... Must be the shame of shagging your mother last week.
by TimBen86 December 23, 2009
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Shade shaming: mocking, ridiculing, or teasing someone about the amount of melanin in their skin. #shadeshaming
Examples of shade shaming: You're not black enough. You're SO dark!". You need to cover up those freckles!"

or white people, you know you love this one--"you're so PALE! You need some sun!" And of course, there's the infamous "what ARE you"? The only reason to ask a person "what" they are in terms of race is because you're going to form a new opinion of them based upon their answer, which guessed it...a form of #RACISM.
by HappyCathyinVA June 18, 2020
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A method of escaping a failed bench press by rolling the weight forward on the legs and pushing it to the floor. It’s shameful because the person didn’t use a spotter.
He thought he was too good for a spotter and that resulted in him doing the roll of shame
by TheKnight6353 October 16, 2022
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Shaming the gear of someone who tries to wear a historic uniform by pointing out every flaw and shitting on them, rather than offering genuine advice/ constructive criticism
Uh.... okay
Try this

Gear Shaming is such: "Hey, man, your uniform is shit. There's so much wrong with it. You're a peice of shit."

Not Gear Shaming: "Hey, guy, I see a couple things wrong on your uniform, here's some resources to help you improve!"
by Word guy03 December 19, 2019
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