Must date a Clover and love her forever. Edward is a shitty person and needs a Clover to lift him up. He has short, greasy blonde hair, and crap micro bangs, he either has blue or brown eyes, and is short. He must date a red headed Clover with blue eyes who goes to the same school as him and is in the same yea as him. most likely year 7.
OMG loo its edward and Clover
by qwertyuiolkjhgfdsazxcvbnm July 26, 2023
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A high maintenance individual who includes a minimum 12.5 unnecessary additions to his coffee drink. Is typically seen on his daily commute from Starbucks to Dunkin Donuts. Baristas beware.
Barista: "What can we get for you today?"

Edward: "I would like a venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, sugar–free syrup, extra shot, extra honey, a dash of cinnamon, light ice, no whip..."
by comenerbyvote May 3, 2021
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Edward is the sweetest person on the whole planet and no person could ever replace his kindness and cuteness and his stupid fucking jokes that are not funny.

Find yourselves an Edward folks.
"if you want to make your life better find yourself an Edward"
by heckles kekles February 12, 2019
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Edward is a guy with a huge Dick and great athlete. He is sweet and unselfish to everyone. But if youre mean to him hill kill you. He also loves Basketball.
Have u tried an edward
by Topshaggergoerge June 30, 2018
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An Edward is someone who is really really REALLY short, hates milk and has a really bad temper
P1-hi there P2 ^w^

P2-hello there shorty, you should really drink milk or you'll get even shorter


P2-Such an Edward
by :33333 January 7, 2017
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The most alpha chad that you will ever see, he is the best. He always wants to speak to others and is the kindest person you will ever meet.
Edward is an alpha male
by L'er November 29, 2021
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