When two (or more) representatives who talk out of their asses clash. Hopefully it ends up with a re-election, but this may not always happen.
He maintained that they had weapons of ass destruction .
by Roz February 15, 2004
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"They declared Chris's chode a weapon of ass destruction on May 14, 2001"
by Kristen December 3, 2003
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What the US Armed Forces went into Iraq looking for thinking that somehow they were going to diffuse a problem. The fact of the matter is that they just dont get that there will always be struggles in that part of the world because it dates back to Jesus times.
by This Guy November 22, 2003
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synonym for, "We've got nothing."
"Already, the Kay Report identified dozens of weapons of mass destruction-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations."
by Whee February 1, 2004
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big ass weapons that destroy other people or things with one blow and could leave big after affects
That is a big ass WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION that could basically nuke the fucking world!
by lolgangster16 November 19, 2019
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I don't need a Weapon Of Lone Destruction to define my manhood. But if you need a one to compensate for your inadequacies, that's your prerogative.
by ThreeDigitIQ February 25, 2011
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