to serve someone a geeb means, while using a geeb (gravity bong), to light the marijuana and simultaneously pull the bottle out from the base and to give it to someone else to take. It’s pretty much just referring to lighting someone elses rip, toke, pull, whatever you call the act of sucking the marijuana smoke from the geeb bottle.
Friend 1: “Dude can u serve a geeb for me?You always pull the fattest.”
Friend 2: “For sure dude.”
by Cucumbersalad March 7, 2019
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when they’re slaying
on 10 June tomorrow x together serving cunt in a way that defies the laws of gender
by hanashelf June 10, 2023
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Tom: So what happened to you last night?

Bill: Well, I couldn't get any action last night so i had to end up self-serving myself.
by CerberusC24 August 22, 2007
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Being served by the lunchroom lady at the same time she's fixing your lunch. One of the rarest occurrences in Servdom.
Lunchroom Lady: "What do you want with your chicken, Ponch?"

Nicole: "Dude, the lunchroom lady just called you Ponch, cause she thinks you look like Erik Estrada."

Mikey: "OMG! I've just been Double Served."
by Acedaddyyo May 21, 2010
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Moving ones hips in a circular motion while expelling extremely soft stool, the product of which is a pile of tightly coiled excrement that has the appearance of soft serve ice cream.
Marsha laid down and smiled as John stood over her face and gave her a soft serve.
by A.T. y'all March 16, 2011
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The shape of penis without getting a hard on. Also see marshmallowing.
Man 1: Can you believe this?! Congolese(People from Congo) people have an average dick length of 7 inches soft served!
Thot: Oml! I want to suck on those all day long!
by Mr.StealUrGirl69 January 18, 2018
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