Three men form a triangle. One man reaches across the triangle and starts jerking one mans penis. The mans penis who is getting jerked reaches across and jerks off both men.
Hey want to go back to my place and have a Three-Way Handshake?
by HoldenTudix May 6, 2023
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A three way but everyone is choking each other
I passed out while performing a three way guillotine last night. It was great.
by Brotisserie Chicken December 19, 2017
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An act in which someone gets their finger licked by someone else, to give a third person a wet willy.
Jesus had halie lick his finger to stick his finger in dylan's making it a three-way wet willy
by Boobuukittyfuck666 October 20, 2019
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3 men and one woman take part in an act where the woman gives a blowjob to the men all at once.
I was pulled into a Three way noodle bowl the other day. Honestly seemed impossible to get all three in at once but it was kinda fun.
by Coressed_McNugget August 14, 2019
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When having a threesome it's the position of the three bodies in relationship with each other...could define what kind of activity will be taking place.
Elle didn't like the particular three way feng shui that had begun to happen...she decided to take advantage of Taylor when Gretchen decided to come up for air.
by Ellelo420 June 11, 2014
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A three-way guacamoleis the fetishistic act during a three way where one participant releases their bowels onto the other participants. Becomes three-way guacamole when the participant has diarrhea and all three participants roll around on top of each other to spread the feces.
"Yo dude, did you hear about Robert last night? He had a three-way guacamole!"
"What?! That shit's nasty!"
by Avocados Boi April 3, 2018
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When three of the boys get together and roll up to Dairy Queen during the 'Rona times. If wearing Flightsuits, "Flying Three-Way Dairy Queen" (Drag optional)
Rhys: You wanna grab Caleb and pull a Three-Way Dairy Queen?
by das010498 November 24, 2020
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