When one spends an inordinate amount of time working on data or statistics. And likes it.
John: How was work today?
Jim: OMG, it rocked I spent all day trying to figure out the relationship between height and grades. 10 hours later I had TWO numbers for my efforts. Neither made sense, but the day was some epic statisticalling....
by Stoolie November 13, 2014
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Judging peoples personality based off the state they live in
Hotdog stand owner in NY turns down a man from Texas because of his accent
The Texas man says "your a statist"
by Hashryn September 20, 2021
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Someone who believes that the government can solve all the problems and inadvertently let the government controls their life rather than people control the government.
Likely to support taxation and welfare states.
Maggie: I think that taxation is sensible.

Gary that one libertarian friend in the group: Yeah we give them trillions of dollar for them to waste on military and foreign conflicts, serving their political interest and economical interest of the few, to waste them in the endless bureaucracy that you ironically paid to take money away from you, to fund inefficient welfare programs, etc you filthy statist scum.

Gary loses his few friends again
by FriedmanSimp February 20, 2021
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A word used by pseudo-Libertarians who get all of their information from memes on Reddit another social media. Essentially, it means anyone that suggests government intervention in any way shape or form could be beneficial.
When I admitted I wanted to improve public transit, he called me a statist without asking me any details about it.
by Downvoting Victim April 23, 2022
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A person or thing that is unusual is many statistics.
"You're british and you dont like tea? You're a statistics freak!"
by “”” August 3, 2021
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I've ran the numbers and it's statistically impossible that Mallory can miss Noah more than Noah misses Mallory, I mean the numbers say it all.
Its statistically impossible for her to miss me more.
by N3wt0n49 November 2, 2021
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