The act of a female removing a used tampon and swinging it above her head in a circular motion.
Jamie is on the rag and just went to splatter-paint the bathroom. It's gonna be a bloody mess.
by Jewexican May 21, 2006
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The area of effect that results from the explosion of Menstruation. Usually hits innocent bystanders or rarely teachers, pets, inanimate objects, cleaning supplies, facebook walls, and more.
Girl: *PMS explode*

Innocent Bystander: "Come on man, I just dry cleaned this leather jacket from last month's PMS splatter, I don't want to again."
by Poor Bystander August 17, 2011
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Splatter Britches or splatterbritches is the what you call some one after a showing/smelling shart. He then takes the walk of shame. 2 Someone who bleeds from the rectum and feels the need to share with everyone about his condition,Frequently uses office toiletries to construct manpons to also hide the shame.
Splatter Britches or Splatterbritches
Hey Ol Splatterbritches is back! Seen buzzards circling the parking lot!

Hey there Splatterbritches flash her them old snagly yellow wooden teeth! She left? Well that was all she wrote!
by Thisisrichard! February 12, 2015
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"man last night i played a mad game of shits and splatters"

"after those burritos i went home and played shits and splatters"
by rvp May 22, 2007
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When in sex, either partner takes massive amounts of laxative. Then when prairie dogging, lets it out in the other's mouth.
Holy shit! Jonny got the splatter mouth from his ho last night. Nigga's breath is kickin'!!
by Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam September 7, 2008
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1) v.: When a male ejaculates on either a wall, floor, counter, or other hard surface and leaves it to dry.

2) n.: the spots on furnature, walls, floors, ect. where a male has ejaculated and either left it to dry or failed to properly clean it.
1) guy 1: "Dude my roomate was being a dick, so while he slept i batter splattered his headboard, dresser, and the toilet."

guy 2: "That'll show that tool."

2) girl: "I was gonna sleep with him until i walked in his bathroom and saw all the batter splatters on the shower wall...gross."
by bigdaddygiggles June 4, 2010
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Urine that inadvertently splatters on a guy's cellphone as he text messages while standing at and using the urinal.
1. Hey homie, wrap up that cellphone in a plastic cover to protect it from text splatter!

2. To avoid text splatter, try sending text messages while sitting on the crapper!
by DJ_Jagged August 26, 2009
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