The concoction of DNA that results in superior intelligence with a lack of common sense.
The guy who runs the ElectroBOOM YouTube channel is clearly a result of genetic speedballing.
by tester010 December 18, 2022
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All the other definitions here are incorrect. A yuppie speedball is a coffee and a mimosa (an upper and downer, like a real speedball), often consumed at an overpriced brunch attended by yuppies.
I’ll have a grapefruit mimosa and a cup of fair trade coffee, I need the yuppie speedball today
by ka_usc October 21, 2021
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Xanax + Adderall + shot of tequila. Preferably taken in small doses throughout the day.
Went down to Cabo for the weekend, Dave and I were doing Baja Speedballs all day on Friday.
by SwishaaSweet July 25, 2020
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When a young, white, upperclass person drinks 2 redbulls and then takes 2MG on Xanax behind it.
by Kimmer24 August 6, 2009
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Railing a line of Adderall, while on Valium. Referred to as, "beaner," because a real Speedball is heroin and coke, adderall representing coke, while valium is substituting heroin.
I snorted two lines of addy an hour after popping three valium, the beaner speedball fucked me up for english class.
by adavvgum May 27, 2010
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1. A potenially lethal concoction of heroin & cocaine, usually done intraveneously.

2. A potentially lethal but yummy delight of fried pork & BBQ pork from Lemon Arbor in Barbados.
Boy1: Im bored Mom
Mom: Go speedball your way out of boredom.

Boy1: I'm hungry
Girl3: I here at Lemon Arbor speedballing..CAWBLEHH i ain gaw teh you!!!
by TheLolBoss February 22, 2014
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A connoisseur of the speedball, in its most general form, a combination of a depressant and stimulant, to enhance the positive effects and mitigate the negative effects that would be felt with administration of either drug alone. Typically it involves simultaneous co-administration of cocaine with a powerful, short acting opiate such as heroin, fentanyl, or a fentanylogue.

Speedballs are sublimely pleasurable, incredibly addictive and quite dangerous. To accomplish with any reasonable degree of safety they require vigorous self-discipline and extraordinarily deep reservoirs of knowledge and experience with the drugs in question, as well as consideration of one's tolerance, general health condition and relative quality of the specific doses about to taken. Attempting a speedball is a highly dangerous process, but those who survive to develop their routine and practice it thousands of times are called speedball artists in reference to the fact that staying alive while maximizing the pleasure from it is as much an art as it is a science.
"What's his drug of choice?"

"He's a speedball artist. Coke and fentanyl specifically. Shit's incredibly dangerous, but somehow, either from luck, skill or some crazy combination of both he's managed to go for years without ODing... yet."
by Improvising February 18, 2016
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