That bar was sloot central last night.
by Justin August 15, 2003
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A promiscuous female who prefers sodomy to traditional sexual intercourse.
That Erin girl, is a total boot sloot.
by The Jonzer May 17, 2014
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a bitch who is dehydrated to the point where all she can think about is the johnse, and will do whatever it takes to schlob on your root.
tara reid and paris hilton are thirsty sloots
by janky mein November 15, 2005
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A slut that does not look like a trashy skank.
Lets go to the bar and pick up a a couple of sloot doots.
by David From Austin September 12, 2007
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Sloot" (Sa-Loot) - One many would confuse with a "slut" or a "loot" but it's really just the two combined. A girl who picks up guys and try's them out. 'Usually' steals them from other girls. Like a slut but without the sexual adjective.
"Don't let her take ya man! She's a sloot!"

Guy 1: "Emily picked up a new guy at that party, last week, did ya hear?"

Guy 2: "Yah! She's a sloot!"
by PonderousThoughts August 14, 2014
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A person who overly enjoys taking way too may photos of scenic views, constantly saying “look
at this, isn’t it beautiful”

Origin River John , NS
Look at that scenery sloot over there snappin too many fuckin photos
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"Sloot Magic" - a slang term referring to the ability of a woman to transform her physical appearance into one of far greater sexual appeal via makeup and/or promiscuous clothing.
You - "Damn, she's looking fine tonight bro!"

Your bro - "Don't be fooled by her sloot magic, she's a drunk 5 at best.."
by flapjacks937 December 30, 2016
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