Stuff belonging to anyone that is not you.
"Steve left his shit at my apartment!"
by Tyler May 15, 2005
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all the shit described in the underground film "Whose Shit Is This?" (2006)

shit refers to:
economic decline
natural disasters
terrorist attacks
Shit, man! All that shit in Whose Shit Is This? was just like the shit you see happening today!
by underground shit October 18, 2009
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shit: to find out that there's already a definition on urban dictionary that u thought off
Shit. I thought I was clever and thought of a new definition proved wrong
by buckietroot April 21, 2011
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a peice(S) of left over wastage (left over food) that your body could not digest also known as a swear word!!
"Hey yo need to take a shit your ass stinks" or also "shit i stubbed my toe"
by haleythomas August 12, 2009
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Something which comes out of george bushes mouth
George bush was talking to his dad then shit came out his mouth and made a video about it (2 boys 1 cup?)
by Thurminator December 31, 2009
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shit head
eat shit,
tough shit
hot shit
holy shit
(basicly anyword) shit,
by zach May 28, 2005
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good thing. like your the best.
1.'omg ben is the SHIT bbe!'

2.'nah dont fuck wit tanya she is tha shit hollaaa!'
by Laura Reppin Steel Cityy October 23, 2007
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