A term generally used by bodyboarders for people with red/orange hair. Can be used as a payout or just a nickname
oi ooee! get your ginga ass over here! damn ranga!

ooee ranga never learns
by Nick Glenn June 30, 2004
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A Ranga, who dies their hair a dark colour for eg. black, and when it starts to wash out, they have disgusting bright red ranga roots.
person 1:"OMG!that girl has two inch long ranga roots!"
person 2: "Eww!!! that is so gross! why does she even dye her hair at all?"
by whatever! March 31, 2008
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a ranga bush is a different species with no rights. they are usually stinky and have long pubic hairs. they often deny having these pubes. but in reality, they are itching those mother fuckers every few seconds. it is a jungle down there, one false move and you could get lost.
to describe a different species of ranga bush
by Ranga bush November 17, 2020
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It is a name for your friend who is a redhead and is very tall. they are a dinosaur rangaaaa.... This is for kasey you stanky love child of a dinosaur and ron wesley.

Damn, they hot afffff
by nethuya September 4, 2023
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My wife who is a ranger fucked another red head that wasn’t me so she’s a ranga fucker
by Zerbco February 23, 2019
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A jewish ranga is a ranga who is jewish or you think is a jewish.
by AvexTheNig February 11, 2019
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