Modern colloquialism for cervical cancer, referencing the gross, racist, talentless waste of atoms Jade Goody. Just to take the edge off a diagnosis.
You've tested positive for Goody's Lumpy Funtube!
by I Am Evil Dave March 25, 2009
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Accomplishing a Lumpy Peanut Butter is no walk in the park. Many have failed resulting in massive injury. The first step in completing this amazing feat requires courage. First, the male (or shemale) will stick is entire scrotum into an inhabitted wasps nest and rapidly shake and thrash about as if the person was having a seizure. Next, the person will submerge their now lumpy sack into a jar of skippies peanut butter. Finally, the person will hang closely infront of a pack of starving wolves and wave their now perfectly prepaired testicles in a taunting manner. They will ultimately be torn to shreds resulting in the greatest high of all time, otherwise known a s a super high.
Andy- Hey man i just did a Lumpy Peanut Butter!
Josh- Wow really?! How was it?
by ABurrgess January 4, 2013
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while giving a girl anal, before you pop you Five-Star her in the back hardcore, then as she screams in pain you pop little cum droplets on her nipples
Girl- "oo yes that feels nice....."

me-"almost there" *5-star From hell* !

now time to give her some lumpy sugar
by Greg Romano November 29, 2004
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The dick you get after you jack off to games too hard, especially VALVe.
by Erkpwnzall August 27, 2012
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A really fat girlfriend that is often dated by men of small stature
Guy 1: Hey hows your new girlfriend?
Guy 2: My Lumpy Space Princess? Really good. I just had to calm her down the other night with breadsticks from Olive Garden.
by Bbadbhabie October 8, 2019
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A massive poo, turtlin', touching cloth, full of fecel matter.
I need a monumental dump so bad, I feel like I'm carrying a lumpy baby.
by kwaiiawk January 22, 2019
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