Laughing Unbelievably Loud
Used mostly on twitch as an emote
Streamer: League of Legends has a good community
Chat: LUL
by Skice June 12, 2018
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it means: lube up ladies
often mistaken for a different way of saying “lol” which is very awkward

we dont want to explain what lube up ladies means. you can figure it out. just dont use “lul” if you mean lol. please.
you: lul
us: lube up ladies?
you: what??????? *slightly horrified*
us: ah. you don’t know. maybe use lol next time!!!
by purifiedwatersupremacy August 7, 2021
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1. A modification of LOL

2. And in Dutch, the word is also used as an inappropriate way to say dick
1. *A Top 500 overwatch streamer gets rekt by a 7 year old*
Chat: LUL

2. "Jij bent een lul" = "You are a dick(head)"
by boredom101 March 11, 2018
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This is used when you are borad of the word lol.

All credit goes to spany Nile
Lul that is hilarious
by CRYSTALDRAGON907 September 25, 2020
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this is LOL but from britan
LUL mate yuve got a gluss of watha
by Rascoid March 26, 2021
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