you know, just going go jam with my goons.


whats going on bruv?
nothing allie just jamming with my goons init.


naaaaaa man my goons will BANG YOU.
by Feeeeeeeeee again ;) June 29, 2009
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stemming from a rare and illusive form of panda in southeast asia this modern genome of human tends to be the most affeminent form of homosexual in the world...ever...
gooooooooooooooooooooooon goooooooooooooooooooooooon
by jimer nenumany March 17, 2005
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Look at Eric; it looks like he's trying to get some goon from Steve.
by aleftynamedtony April 29, 2006
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Someone (typically a male teen) whose primary physical attribute is lankiness. To qualify for goonness, one should be 6 feet 3 inches or over, and should not weigh in excess of 150 pounds.

Goons often have long limbs to accentuate the lankiness.
Bob's skill in basketball is primarily a result of him being a goon.
by Jeff Hunt from HollandNY July 26, 2008
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Someone who is from the hood. They are usually under 18 and have all these fancy tatoos. They are constantly wearing the same color clothing and they shake hands all funny. Sometimes they like to tell stories about who got jumped or shot or went to jail over the weekend.
I'ma get those goons on your ass.
by gwhendri May 17, 2010
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intimadating ganster
creeper from G's to Gents is the goon from the show
by barbiegerlsteph July 30, 2008
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