The part of you that gets angry or upset over anything video game related.
"Do you think he's angry we team killed him?"

"Yea man. That hit him right in the salty giblets"
by Sabooboo March 16, 2016
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An insult that generally refers to someone as a dick and a cunt and a vagina and someone that like to touch other Wieners.
by Love your moms partners October 26, 2017
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Loose anal skin, flappy rectum syndrome. Excess butthole skin
While doing lunges my dirk giblet slid out from under my thong panties causing extreme discomfort
by Penelope Picklebottom May 9, 2021
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Man juice from ones own penis or anothers
When ya wearing an item of clothing that is mysteriously stained with a cloudy substance, it could be said that you have Willy Giblets all over it!
by Marnold Stiltskin December 7, 2011
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This term is used usually when someone you know is being a dickbag
P1: *eats bag of chips*
P2: *snatches bag of chips from P1*
by -iluvubb November 24, 2019
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Referring to a man’s testicles.
Dang, my giblets are itchy after shaving them.
by Panic_switch June 30, 2021
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