A male pornstars penis which appears to be a totally different colour to the rest of his body
"God look at the Frankenstein Fuckstick on that guy, He is pale as milk and has a brown cock"

Poor Alice was about to be penetrated from the rear when she noticed a reflection in the bedroom mirror, "christ" she screamed "you are not getting that Frankenstein fuckstick near me"
by madtechie December 18, 2007
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a male person who is constantly taking place in sexual intercourse.
Hugh Hefner is a FuckStick
by BigReda July 26, 2009
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A person who is of asain dissent thats penis looks like an orange tic-tac
Man Luke is a asain fuckstick.
by HiPsTeR PaTrIoT February 26, 2017
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A large thick cut of meet which makes one gag at the thought of taking it orally
by James Bass July 23, 2003
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A male that puts his dick in anyone and anything. Generally, this male is only good for sex. Sometimes not even that.
That guy was a General Fuckstick.
by DarcySux May 6, 2014
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The monstrously amazing sex organ of one Master Ferrara. His penis has been known to give women earth shattering orgasms before even touching them. According to legend it's also been known to cure STD. Very very very few women can handle this amazing tool of sexual pleasure, not even the top pornstars in the world.
"I had the Ferrara Fuckstick last night, I don't think I'll be able to move for another month"

"Hey baby wanna take a ride in my Ferrari?", "No thanks, I'd much rather ride the Ferrara Fuckstick"
by godfuckingdamnit July 6, 2012
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