It's when you're laying hose in the starfish of a virgin and right before you about to nut she spins around and takes your shitty load in her mouth. Better if a friend is in the room pretending to sleep and yells THATS A HOT CARL BIATCH. To which you later correct him, No that's The Filthy FIreman!
Mary had a funny taste in her mouth and walked funny all Saturday after The Filthy Fireman Chris gave her! The night before, Mary asked Chris to put it in her starfish after a night of drinking because she was a virgin. Chris did as told. Upon Chris about to cum Mary flipped around and took the load down. Chris's friend quickly jumped off the floor and called it the wrong name. Chris corrected him running out of the house.
by Dirty Fireman March 2, 2008
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During anal sex, shit gets on your dick and right before you skeet, you aim your dick at your partners face.
O my God, last night I completely dirty firemaned this chick in the eye.
by Pepe sandbadger March 7, 2009
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When a gal rubs icy hot on her man's balls.
Billy, suit up, I'm about to take you to the firemans ball.
by Cheeaintlion February 16, 2016
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the act of spitting water in ones butt while the recipient is spreading their butt cheeks.
is jake and scoob playing fireman buttholes again?
by leakjunk1738 October 5, 2017
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When you are having sex with a girl and you're on top and you are about to cum, you light her hair (any hair will work) on fire, then you ejaculate into her hair whilst performing the meat spin!
DANNMMM!!! Carly hates me now for pullin' off a successfull angry fireman last night at that crazy ass party... HAHA!
by thaonekid November 7, 2009
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a man who rescues cats from above the ceiling tiles
way to go fireman geoff
by Chinese Jew August 9, 2003
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