A Short Blonde Simp Who Was Once in Jackass. He Limps Around And Has To Look Up At Everyone he sees. He's also an "Athlete 🙌" Because he can ride a Scooter
Boy: Is That Dominik Grabinski

Girl: Yeah I Wouldn't Go Near Him
by Caxtlxn April 14, 2021
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A lovely loyal man/boy that makes the best noodles and cares a lot bout his health and others. He loves animals and is a shorty but pretty cute
DOMINIK rudd is lovely he knows how to make people laugh and he is every girls dream boy friend
by Th3 truth 1s r3a1 November 10, 2019
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A lightskin guy with a ridicioulisly big cock and a magic charm that makes every women in a 5 meter range fall in love with him
Damn that girls over there finds me hot, she thinkin im Dominik Gaier.
by LordFarquadz June 16, 2020
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Feeling huge pain at beginning of the day but thinking of harmless stuff, because you are a manly man "Does only itch a little bit". Nearly dying at end of the day
To dominik: I thought i have dislocated something after waking up in the morning. Went to the hospital in the evening and was operated immediatly. Totally dominiked out that day
by Jzgfflkvvvhöl July 23, 2017
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Chuck Norris is scaried about him. That are enough words so bye, tho.
And he is a sex machine with a big Dick ;)
Chuck Norris: Plz don't kill me...!!!!
Dominik Zep: Goodbye....
by Der Cod Vlogger January 2, 2017
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