Bovine Creature - a mild insult to throw at one whom is annoying thou
Brigette - "Hey Daniel, do you like my pants?"
Daniel - "if BC was the look you were going for, then yes!"
by Grapelookinpom September 7, 2016
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Postwhore, someone who sits at work all day and clutters up community forums. uses terms such as: Word and homie.
I got on assfaultjunkies site and BC'ed the whole forum up.
by irocgod June 10, 2010
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Affliction which occurs 3 out of 4 people after drinking heavily the night before.

Brown Crayon Syndrome, or BCS, varies from mild 'Forrest Green' to burning 'Cayenne Red' depending on severity. The level of severity is typically directly proportionate to the amount of alcohol consumed and aggravated by any quantity of spicy food.
Man, I used an entire roll of toilet paper, damn you BCS!

With enough funding and research, we can conquer BCS.
by systemone January 30, 2007
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I've been running a couple of miles in this hot weather and I have a bad case of BCS!"
by Sentinel65 March 28, 2009
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Border Collie.
A medium-sized (average 45 lbs.) dog developed over many years in Scotland for herding sheep. Widely recognized as the most intelligent of dog breeds, Border Collies excel as working dogs, but also dominate in sporting competitions like agility, flyball and frisbee.

Border Collies are typically black and white, but many colors and combinations exist. A BC may have a long (rough) coat, or a short (smooth) coat. Appearance is secondary to intelligence, temperament and working ability in determining if a dog is a "real" Border Collie.

(BCs have recently been inducted into the American Kennel Club for conformation showing. Many BC lovers oppose this because Border Collies have traditionally been bred for working ability with little regard for their appearance. BC advocates fear the breed will lose its working ability and intelligence if bred primarily for appearance.)
Jock, herding the kids around the living room table, is the quintessential BC!
by Alex J. Todd October 5, 2005
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a sick hardcore parkourer. Will random jump off anything at any time. Often not aware of anything at all besides parkouring
damn! did you see that girl jump off that tree! shes a BC
by nutter21 November 23, 2010
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The BC's are the most badass gang found in a suburb of Chicago known as smoke park reefer forest. BC's should not be messed with because they are known to fuck shit up. No one except for members know the exact definition of BC, but it has been speculated to have many different meanings. In their free time, BC's get crunk, drop beats, and get money.
Boy#1-"oh shit.. is that a BC over there?"
Boy#2-"fuck, we better turn and run"

"I wish i could join the BC's... they run smoke park reefer forest..
by thebaddestbitchalive July 4, 2010
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