Mostly Stupid
Mostly Ocean
Mostly Harmless


Stupid = The Life on it --us humans anyway
Harmless = The Earth is this to other civilizations out there. *see The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy*
by Spock- May 4, 2005
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A place full of people who think that their planet is a sack of shit and feel the need to constantly be pussies and insult it. Once a hundred of these people meet on the internets, and piss off the Christians, god will descend from on high, deliver and almighty Deity-bitch-smack, and a kick in the balls/punch in the ovaries, then return to heaven.
So said the idiots:
"Earth is a sack of shit."
And god did descend from on high, and delivered a great bitch-slap to their idiot faces. And to the male doubters he did deliver a bone-shattering kick to their genitalea. And unto the genitalea of the female doubters, he did deliver a brick-breaking punch.
And god did say to the doubters:
"Let this be a lesson to thee."
And then he ascended back to the heavens, but looked around, before he dissapeared, and did say:
"Punk-ass bitches."
by Trek August 25, 2006
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A planet that will probably not exist in 2, 000 years. I wonder why.
*cough, cough, humans, cough*
See man, are we screwed, if it exists.
Greenhouse gasses, global warming, polar melting, nuclear radiation.
by Jonah Rowley November 13, 2004
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1. Ground, soil.

2. The 3rd planet in the Solar System.
1. I have earth beneath my legs.

2. Where aliens don't go.
by ODDin December 29, 2005
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A homeboy's mother.

This term is highly popular in rap music and indecipherable Ebonics. Sorry for being redundant.
Young City's ole' earf be stressin' like a muhfucka when he don't be smoothin' out da plastic on da couch, son.
by Jeff January 13, 2005
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a sarcastic term to describe hippies or vegetarians/vegans
Guy 1: Hey, look at that douche with the dreads over there,

Guy 2: HAHA, oh god, he's so 'Earth'


Guy 1: Veggie Burger Please

Guy 2: Shut up 'Earth' Fag!
by onethirty May 3, 2009
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