A man drops his drawers to have sex and the woman says "Oh look, it's a Winkle!!!"
by Jagger21 July 27, 2018
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Winkle is an act of winking whilst laughing at something or someone.
by YummyDavo May 5, 2020
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The definition of a defined wrinkle on the buttocks of a human being
I adore the winkle on your butt babes
by African Sunset July 16, 2019
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A winkle is a person that you’d like to call a profanity but won’t. So you call them a winkle instead.
Person 1: Dude, you’re a di—
Person 2: Shh! The teacher is walking in! Just say ‘winkle’.
Person 1: Dude, you’re a winkle.
Teacher: Kids and their slang these days. Sheesh.
by Weave Snatcher March 31, 2018
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a small herbivorous shore-dwelling mollusc with a spiral shell. Also called periwinkle.
Litrally its just a mollusc(winkle)
by AnimalSisheuebr May 20, 2017
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The shriveling of a penis due to cold temperatures.
I got shwinkle winkle after diving in the lake.
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