A person that asks you for D A W A E .
Tom : That guy just asked me the way to the mall !!

Jack : What a Ugandan Knuckles , amirite ?
by Sombody Toucha ma Username September 14, 2018
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A person that does not know D A W A E and asks you for it .

( Also a dead meme )
Tom : That guy asked the way to the mall !!

Jim : What a Ugandan Knuckles , amirite ?!?
by Sombody Toucha ma Username September 14, 2018
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Ugandan knuckles is shortest lived meme in 2018 it is both stupid and lame lemme hit that YEET.
John: Ugandan knuckles was actually a good meme
Everyone else: No.
Dont be like John he a toilet.
by Fri3ndlyFir3 April 18, 2018
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A meme that originated on VR Chat based on a Sonic character called Knuckles. Ugandan Knuckles are little deformed versions of Knuckles who use Ugandan accents to annoy or make people laugh by saying things such as “do you know da wae my brudda” and telling you that you are their queen. They have been defined as a sort of culture on the VR world.
“The Ugandan Knuckles raided my VR chat server yesterday.”
by World of Ugandan Knuckles August 8, 2022
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person 1:dew u no de wey
person 2 *stabs person 1 to death
also Peron 2: Ugandan knuckles is a dead meme
by youremomgiey November 6, 2018
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Ugandan Knuckles, a now dead meme because it was overused by the normalfags, this meme stole Forsens ZULUL stuff and combined it with a disabled knuckles, funny for the first 2 seconds.
by GGX GANG February 7, 2018
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