A girl who like nasty big floppy vagina. She usually demands sex. Loves to suck it real hard.
Dawn, I would stay away from that bitch Trinity.
by Hullobooty December 19, 2018
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A short girl, who has sex with dogs, and brags about it to people in school. She’s sad as fuck and air drops pictures of her slit wrist. She’d fuck any person in school if offered the chance.
Dude 1: “that party was wild, there was a total trinity there”
Dude 2: “stay away from her!”
by Big dick nigga 95 June 6, 2019
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Trinity is shy when you meet her but once you meet her she's crazy AF and a major crackhead. She's actually smart in school but she does the dumbest stuff to make people laugh and she's just dumb. She's friends with everyone boys and girls but, she's gets along with boys better. All the boys have a little crush on her or there's best friends. She's kinda popular. She's very special in her own way and nobody can compare to a Trinity. She is the perfect girlfriend to have and normally has a sporty, cute boyfriend. She is normally a really talented athlete and naturally athletic. Normally late to everything. A Trinity will always make everybody laugh, smile, and she's the best to hangout with. Just don't lose a Trinity because she's way better than other people!
Trinity: what's up guys
by Nike.com February 7, 2020
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A beautiful girl, usually blonde hair, blue eyes, if she tells you she really likes a guy and that’s she fell in love she really means it and she normally doesn’t say she has fallen in love with a guy!, is a very trustful girl and loves for a guy to hug her, or hold her hand, has an amazing personality and will never leave a friend/boyfriend for a stupid reason.
Trinity is such a trustful person!
by Trintrin reyes September 3, 2018
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The Diabolical Trinity, consisting of Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. Embodied by three random chicks in some podunk town in Florida who go out at night and arouse mischief through flashings, moonings, loitering, and boxing/wrestling sessions with foam The Thing Hands on beaches. Once the sun rises, they are replaced by the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) just too damn tired to give a crap about anyone's well-being.
"What is it?"
"That retarded Trinity just pulled into the parking lot!"
"Hide the children!"
by Einsworth October 5, 2006
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Usually a dark haired girl, who has a nice body. But can be very annoying. She is a tease, and a big flirt. But isn't very smart
P1:did you see trinity

P2:ya she got annoying after awhile
by XxbominatorxX May 20, 2015
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The Dragon (Satan), the Beast (the Antichrist), and the Prophet. Just as false as the Christian trinity/god, but much cooler.
The Diabolical Trinity believes in sex, drugs, and Rock n Roll. Can I hear a hallelujah motherfucker?
by Kain November 27, 2004
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