a funny way to insult people when they do silly things. it is most commonly used at the alpine school in T3 2019.
you’re late for headcount? you absolute spoon!”
by spazmyn October 14, 2019
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Dick hard on the butt, titty in your hand, kiss her neck, hell yeah.
Guy: I went spooning with my wife last night
Shopper: really?
Guy: hell yeah
Shopper: hell yeah
by nichosal December 20, 2013
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A form of affection between a couple. Where the man lays front to back with the girl. They fit together like spoons.
Kevin and Michelle spooned all night!
by Jeff K October 3, 2002
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To fit curves of one body to curves of another
Hey baby, let's get naked and spoon.
by Ame-Cat May 13, 2003
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A cuddling position where the back is facing the chest and the couple are laying on their sides.
c-wigga drank so much bacardi, he woke up spooning mr.flanders
by LittleGordo November 2, 2004
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The first meaning is that you can't change the world, because you don't have control over it. But you can change yourself and your perceptions of the reality. Later in the movie, in the elevator scene, it means that the impossible only is impossible for those who don't dare to make it possible. It means that you can break barriers if you believe in yourself. Neo feared that going up to the top of the building holding up the elevator cable is something crazy. But them, he remembered the spoon boy, and, as there is no spoon, there is no impossible, c'os he believed he could do it.
A: - Oh, my! This is impossible!
B: - No! There is no spoon! (and the job is done).
by MGTX March 13, 2018
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