People without any original thoughts, follow what they are told without any question.
*People who drive in the fast lane and go the EXACT speed limit. (usually right beside the person in the slow lane).

*My friend picked up singing lessons, so it seems only logical that should be what I do too!

"Man there are alot of filler sheeple in this town!"
by maddol22 July 23, 2009
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The time when human sheep (i.e. sheeple) are all coming back from work (aka commuting:) to experience the pleasures of homely life. Road rage, traffic jams and human jams are prevalent characteristics of this phenomenon.
To avoid sheeple hours, just don't follow the damn sheep!
by concomitant January 18, 2011
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Mass culture and entertainment designed to keep the masses placated. Devoid of any cultural, educational, or artistic value, it exists only to ingrain petty consumerism and obedience into the minds of it's consumers. See pop culture.
90% of US television broadcasts are sheeple fodder.
by AllKnowingGrandmaster March 28, 2012
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Jabez rejects conventional religion and follows that internet prophet. He is a black sheeple.
by Research_Joe September 20, 2020
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A person who slavishly follows propaganda and displays a herd-like mentality. A person who watches faux news on TV and believes it.
I saw that Jabez was refusing to wear a mask when he was talking to a patient in the ICU. What a black sheeple he is.
by Research_Joe September 23, 2020
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A condescending tone or manner of speaking, most often used in the bible, in which people are compared to animals, usually sheep, adults are compared to children, or people with eyesight are called blind.
Preacher: The Lord hath appointed me thy shepherd.

Person in pew: Oh no, here comes the sheeple voice.
by SerpwntorSaibot April 26, 2009
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Ostrich-sheeple-lemmings are humans who figuratively bury their heads in the sand so they don't see, act like a herd of sheep, then herd themselves over a cliff like lemmings.
Jane called John an example of ostrich-sheeple-lemmings for refusing to face reality.
by fred ressler April 16, 2017
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