A car that has been mistaken as an american legend. When in all reality is driven by high school girls and 35 year old douche bags trying to bang the aforementioned high school girls. Most are equipped with underpowered V6 engines, however most are driven like they are formula one cars or top fuel dragsters. Often decorated with stickers of performance parts that the vehicle is not equipped with "i.e. Edelbrock, NOS, etc." These cars are peices of shit and should be destroyed.
"Wow! I just paid 500 dollars for this mustang its got a v6, oh, and check out that edelbrock sticker on the back window. Its so bad ass"
by Mustangs are gay. July 7, 2009
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a cheap, slightly fast car made by ford that when given to a teenager, he or she thinks they are the coolest person in the world.
dude that vette pulled like 11 cars on that svt cobra
by fkjdfkjhdhdio June 26, 2005
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"To go mustang." To rebel, subvert, lose control of oneself.
"There's no food, no water, AMEE's gone mustang...and oh, we can breathe the air here." --Gallagher (played by Val Kilmer), describing the situation on Mars after crash-landing. AMEE is an advanced robotic instrument whose acronym stands for Autonomous Mapping Exploration and Evasion. Upon landing and discussing whether to harvest parts from Amee, she "misunderstands" their intent and switches to evasion and auto-defense mode (and "goes mustang").
by Troy Prinkey September 9, 2007
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F= First
R= Race
Look at the 5.0L It is like 7 car lengths ahead of that Rice Burning Civic
by G July 23, 2003
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Where you make a woman's legs shake like a classic mustang after damn good sex
by Jokerbat April 8, 2020
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When someone is hurt by an idiot in a mustang trying to show off
“Where’s Dave?”
“Bro, Dave was watching people burnout and got mustanged hard and now has a feeding tube
by Bluejoffles May 29, 2020
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