the hot young gundam piolot from gundam wing (anime) who poilots the Death Syche hell Custom...also known as the Shinigami (god of Death)
"my Mommy told me that real men don't cry"
"Well EXCUSE me for being a mere mortal"
by Kate October 3, 2003
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Maxwell Edison is a serial killer dating from 1969. He had 3 victims, Joan, His Teacher and a Judge. Maxwell has 2 exes, Rose and Valerie. However, he does have a wife now, Sophia (me).

His life has been documented by Abbey Road Studios, and detectives John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. All the others except Det. Paul, dreaded working with Maxwell's life- they found it quite boring.

Maxwell was a uni student majoring in medicine. One night he called up a bird and asked her to go to the pictures- she said yes of course because maxwell is a dream boat.
Bang bang maxwell's silver hammer came down upon her head du du du, bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that she was dead
Oh yeah, that is Maxwell Edison
by Daddy George June 15, 2020
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'You can't live your whole life just on your Maxwell Money!'
by Extreme Steam March 28, 2019
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The act of placing a mirror in-between your legs whilst squatting and masturbating. The positioning of the mirror allows for a view of one's own arsehole which helps achieve a heightened state of arousal
Q: What are you up to tonight?

A: I'm pretty tired to be honest, i'll probably end up having a maxwell then going to bed
by scott cream March 31, 2010
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A Maxwell is a gift from God. If anyone’s ever gets to meet this sexy, sexy beast, they are very very lucky. A maxwell is very very loud, and will always keep you on your toes with his unpredictable ness. Maxwell has long curled blond lucious hair. Maxwell is very funny and if treated right can be a great acquaintance. M
Maxwell Morland is someone with Blond hair.
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An occult researcher of 40+ years. He studies symbols of satanism and the illuminati which he explains are all around us. He is an amazing teacher of true history and philosophy. It is incredibly educational to listen to him speak. I believe that he one of the most educated people in the world alongside David Icke, Ron Paul, Texe Marrs and Alex Jones. All these people are full of extraordinarily powerful knowledge. If TV was good for you, each of these guys would have their own channel.
by dynamitekiller September 9, 2009
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