repetively jabbing someone in the private area
i am going to mick jagger you so hard you wont be able to pee for a week!
by nincome August 1, 2010
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A truly amazing Israeli movie about 2 gay soilders who fall in love. The message of the movie: Love should never be hidden.
That movie Yossi and Jagger really makes my heart melt.
by presofluurve93 August 28, 2008
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When inserting a candy bar into a vigiana and then proceeding to eat it.
Dude I totally pulled off the Mick Jagger using a Twix bar last night. I really hope she doesn't get a yeast infection.
by jongo November 5, 2012
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Swagger Jagger is an "ironic" phrase used by people who look like drowned sewer rats on benefits. The definition of the word derives from "Swagger Jacker" which means to steal or copy ones swagger. The irony of that is the phrase was invented/misinterpreted by a tramp like skag whore for a release of a song in 2011 to which the music video stars Cheryl Cole miming the lyrics... Oh sorry that is Cher Lloyd... well there lies the irony as to me they are the same person and have the same affect of offending peoples eyes and making ears bleed!! So therefore Cher Lloyd is a hypocrite and is what she sings!!
Cher "the rat" Lloyd - "Chez... I want your hair, make up, tacky dress sense from 2003, those earrings, your millions, ashley coles dick, your leftovers, your slight bit of talent, simon cowells love and admiration, STD's, that whiny geordie accent of yours, malaria and basically everything about you to make me you"

Cheryl Cole/Tweedy/Cole - "Now then pet, Swagger Jagger, get your game on, get some of your own"
by Archie84 August 18, 2011
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A person constantly being mentioned in new songs, but himself doesn't really do anything.
Tik tok: "We kick 'em to the curb unless they look lick mick jagger"
Moves like jagger: "got them mooooooves like jagga"
by Shneebs September 23, 2011
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A dance move which involves a 'swagger' (a silly walk done by attention seekers) onto the dance floor which is completed by planting both feet facing outwards and thrusting your right hand into the air with your index finger pointing to the ceiling.
Check out that short ass dude over there on the dance floor. He's just rocked out the Swagger Jagger!
by Mr_E_Finger August 1, 2011
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