A crappy knock off of Led Zeppelin. Fans of this band generally love Led Zeppelin, but Zeppelin fans hate this band. Also known as Greta Van Fleet.
Person 1: Have you heard the new Greta Van Zeppelin Album?
Person 2: Yeah! It sucks!
by evvy_leppy444 July 11, 2022
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When you fuck a hot Russian blonde and fill a condom with feces and urine (of any source) and stuff it in her mouth for a tighter fit during follacio and the added risk factor that if you go too hard Greta will have a condom full of shit in her mouth
Brrooooo, I totally gave a dirty Greta last night.
by Penis_disliker July 20, 2022
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When you walk up behind someone at a graduation party and as they turn around you give them a kiss on the lips. Then say, oh I thought you were Greta.
See that girl there under the tent? Im totally going to give her the Greta.
by TitiSanchez August 7, 2021
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When a guy performs anal on a woman. And cums inside her ass. Another guy comes along and eats out the gym from her ass
Hey Olly remember that time we gave her the Greta?
by The boy of men July 21, 2018
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Greta is a blonde, blue eyed, Lithuanian bitch. but like in a good way. shes got mommy issues (i mean who doesnt), she got somewhat good friend choices, has impeccable taste in clothing, and is a norwegian sandwhich.
by your basic bestie May 19, 2022
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Doesn't like yo momma jokes, Thick ass bitch, my daddy and top 10 on the thick celbrity lists.
Dude: OMG Greta is so fucking thicc she's all I can see
Girl: IKRRRRRr omg I wish I was her bitch
by Juicycuuchii June 7, 2022
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A British Girl who has many friends but only really likes a few. She is a try hard with her outfits and judges everybody else’s. She can either be extremely rude or kind to you depending on the day. She is sooo loud and can’t whisper. She is a good student but only because she finds the answers online. All in all Greta is bipolar
1: “Hey is that Greta over there?”
2: “Yah, lets go say hi
1: “Hey Greta!”
Greta: “Hi, but Ummm what the heck are you wearing?!”
by Clara H June 4, 2019
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