This act involves at least two men and one woman. Sex must take place on the first floor in front of a window. Man one must switch off with man two during sex. Man one dresses quickly, goes outside, walks in front of the window. When the girl sees man one, man two spits on her back and pulls out. When she turns around man two busts in her face, and throws pubes in her face. Man two than sticks a finger in his ass, inserts in in her mouth, and sticks two fingers in her vagina and one in her ass. He than lifts her up and screams "I've hooked the Marlin!" Man one reenters in time to take a picture, and they all live happily ever after.
"I know bob and mark care because they gave me a double hudini gorilla mask rusty fish hooking the marlin."
by The Mad Tea-Bagger October 24, 2008
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When one is constipated to the point in which they must extricate the plugged feces using their pointer and middle fingers entwined (like a corkscrew) and reach up to their own anus to scrape and remove the feces.
Billy Ray was so constipated, he had to pull out the ol’ “Alabama Fish Hook” in order to feel better!”
by McNutz March 9, 2021
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When a female is going in for her OBG/YN appointment and the doctor unexpectedly sticks a finger in her butthole for the rectal exam
Oh my god my doctor totally gave me a medical fish hook me and didn’t even buy me dinner
by SWMyers January 10, 2021
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A rusty fish hook is when you stick your finger in your own anus and curl that finger and put it in someone's mouth and pull outward.
My girlfriend is so grimy she begs me for the rusty fish hook.
by ThroatOGagginz March 11, 2016
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the ability of a dude to catch & reel in a chick
did you see jim last night? he used his fish hook magic on that girl & bam, in the car.
by officespacejk May 28, 2009
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Your fuckin a girl from the back at the beach and you pull out smack it in the sand and stuff it in her ass and when she screams you fish hook the bitch.
Dude I double dip fish hooked this bitch at the beach.
by That matt June 22, 2022
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The form of birth control known as an IUD (intra-uterine device) EXPIRES EVERY THREE YEARS
My ex’s fallopian fish hook expired and now I have a toddler
by Tnorth October 30, 2023
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