1) A friend who encourages extreme behaviour to 1) make themselves feel virtuous in comparison 2) make their companion feel as though everything they are doing is really not so bad after all. Both friends have to collude in the behaviour partnership for the relationship to work.
A shopaholic and an enabling friend will go shopping together. The enabling friend (EF) will buy two items and tell the shopaholic things like the real reason they buy is that they have excellent taste, love beautiful things and really deserve them because they work so hard and encourage the partner to buy ten things. The EF then reassures herself or himself that (s)he's very restrained and frugal compared to his or her companion.
The same applies to going drinking with someone who has an alcohol problem.
by Sarah McCartney September 9, 2006
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When a greek girl named Effie gets blasted in her face with their man juice on May 29th. Anywhere between 5-15 people.
Wow, I cant wait to Ef-Bomb tonight!
by Evan25 May 30, 2008
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Meaning God Fucking Dammit. Usually used in this form when in a public place, or somewhere where it is inappropriate to use extreme vulgar language i.e. Church, School, DayCare.
Example 1: I got an F on my test!? G Effing D!

Example 2: The Bible says i can't have sex until marriage!? G Effing D! (Gets struck by lightning).

Example 3: You kicked my kid in the head!? G Effing D lady!
by Kyleaz2000 October 21, 2009
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uttered in disgust of an item you recently bought which breaks instantly.

John while putting on his watch.. the belt breaks and the watch hits the ground breaking in the process.
He shouts "Effing Chinese Made!"
example one:

John while putting on his watch.. the belt breaks and the watch hits the ground breaking in the process.
He shouts "Effing Chinese Made!"

example two
Steve: Hey how Dave how's that DVD player you bought?

Dave: Shit was "Effing Chinese Made", it stop working after 2 movies
by Akiano88 December 26, 2011
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A more severe form of the word 'absolutely.'
He is abso-effing-lutely the dumbest person I have ever met.
by KristinNicole January 5, 2008
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THE HOTTEST MAN also frank, mikey and ray <3 his different from other famous singer since his song saved lives and not only that his voice is just beautiful <3 and his wife Lindsay not a fan of her since she made fun of Gee way baby bro Mikey but at least his happy with her <33333
Girl: Gerard effing way his hot <3
girl 2: IKR but his the main reason why I'm still here his music helps me
by Z0MB13R0T November 22, 2021
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