Man, i saw that video of that dune diver with dynamite strapped to him, then BOOM!
by crippledcrispy September 24, 2010
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A derogatory term used to describe some one of Arabian descent.
The fucking dune koons keep blowing up our buildings, fuck them
by james_michael_t_jr December 7, 2006
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A dry or dehydrated pussy often short term with the occasional chronic condition.
Can I borrow some KY Jelly, my girl has dune poon tonight.
by vman19 January 16, 2007
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1. Middle Eastern mafia members who wear their towls inside out. Rarely seen in the desert lands itself, these "goons" mostly live the goodlife in the projects while working at 7-11.
2. See also sand niger
No, I don't want a slurpee dune goon, stop hassleing me.
by RJ B January 12, 2004
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the sexiest middle eastern man you could ever imagine. he’s certified halal and is loved by many.
anees and nabil are very good looking”
hell ye, they are defo some dune daddy”
by goobledooble November 9, 2021
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That’s a scarooney dunes right there.

He’s such a scarooney dunes!!
by rvalente98 October 2, 2018
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