John: How was your night with Sharon?

Ted: Alright, but she had a yeast infection.

John: Ew! What'd you do?

Ted: Gave that bitch a chewy yogurt!
by squampton October 22, 2007
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Boots ladies wear that make them look like Chewbacca, you know the "boots with fuzz"...
Check out Sandy, wearing those crazy Chewy Boots...
by flobiejim February 13, 2015
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when you aren't hungry but just feel like eating; your mouth wants to chew but your stomach is full.
Arugh! im so chewy-ed! give me some food!
by do i have to? February 19, 2004
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A sexual sensation you get from chewing something
Ahahahahahshs this pencil is so nice to chew I think I’m am having a chewy uhuhuhuh right now
by Oopy poop December 4, 2021
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Something covered in poo.

The result of having poo sex.
After a hefty bout of anal sex my cock was looking like a chewy biscuit.
by Steve Cee. May 1, 2006
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The chewy bits that are encountered during the act of crimson showers the chewy bits being the sloughed lining of the uterous expelled during menstruation.
Sandra was delivering me a crimson shower and I noticed quite a few chewy bits.
by Clinton Sounds February 1, 2004
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