A man who was the leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945.please watch adolf hitler the greatest story never told it's on YouTube or buy it. It will change your live
Adolf hitler was not evil.
by Sir Oswald Mosley May 25, 2017
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I am Adolf Hitler! Commander of the Third Reich.
Little known fact; Also Dope On The Mic.
You are Vader, with your little boots and cape
And that helmet to cover up that burnt ass face.

Other than his sick ass bars,

Hitler was an asshole, mofo fr killed Jews and shit dumbass weak ass motherfucker got beat by Russia and killed himself, weak ass nigga.
Quandilly Billy Hunter Scott Micheal Lantrop Steven Hunter Walker Jr the III : "Adolf Hitler was an asshole"
Timothy : " Yes, Quandilly Billy Hunter Scott Micheal Lantrop Steven Hunter Walker Jr the III, He was."
by PissMaster420 February 9, 2023
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adolf hitler served in the First World War, He first tried to get accepted into Austria Army but after a mental Test he was rejected from joining from there he then moved to Germany where he reaplied to join Germany Army... Germany being so needly for men they accepted him. He Fought through out WW1 and made the rank of corporal. After being hit with a gas attack during 1918 I believe he was hospitalied Until he was returned to munich.

Now to Skip ahead a bit. After Proving to the german people that he kept he promise to turning germany depression into something. The German people then believed whatever adolf hilter told them from here on out.. He had a Great Fighting Force with the creation of the Tastic Lighting War.. or Blitzkreig (probably spelt wrong). His Air Combat was unbeatable till the Battle of Britain where Britian beat them with 1:3 of germany fighting aircrafts. After making a pact with Russia to not involve them with the War.. Hilter soon after attacked Russia where he made it to Stalingrad and was halted by Russia Forces.. because of Germany bombing of Stalingrad. it made the perfect battleground to protect. Soon the Harsh winter rolled in and hit the morale of the Germany ill suited men and soon forced them to withdraw... I may be wrong with some of this if I am feel free to add on or change anything I know I missed alot but my fingers are getting tired
Adolf Hitler leader of the Nazi Party maybe one of the smartest man in the world being he confused millions among millons
by Volges October 1, 2006
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The leader of Germany in 1930s-1945ish. (not sure the exact dates give me a break) either way, he may have done many bad things, but I just have to say that the whole blitzkrieg (lightning war) was a little ironic. In World War one (aka the great war at the time) Germany decided that it wanted to take over France, and from what I understand France secured the border leading into Germany, so the German Army marched right through Belgium (neutral I believe) and came up behind the French army. this happened again in World War Two. They also swiped Paris right behind the French military's back in one of these wars.
Adolf Hitler killed many innocent people, but he was actually a genius. (no, I'm not a Nazi, trying to be UN-biased) and it's been awhile since History class so If I made a mistake feel free to correct me
by jesu72 December 28, 2009
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A hypocrite for killing jews (he was half jewish) claiming everyone that didnt have fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes was a jew (he had brown hair and brown eyes) and for being possible the most "nationalist" for Germany (even though he was Austrain).
Tommy is so hypocritical he might as well be called Adolf Hitler!
by Rox-ay April 29, 2006
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