A person who spent most of his/her childhood in the 1970s decade.
"I was under 12 in the 70s, so I was a 70's kid." - Someone born in the late 1960s
by Ryan900USAYT October 13, 2022
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a vag thats not trimmes, it grows out like a fro from the 70's, not key , not key at all
i went to eat that girl out, n her 70's style box almost took my eyes out
by tj April 21, 2005
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The face of a man with a long, unkept goatee. Similar to a vagina in a bad 70's porno.
"You need to shave. It's starting to look like a 70's vag."
by Nate Gerstner May 13, 2008
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Same as "69". Said when you want to appear clever to your friends. Or used when you need to say it in front of other people for a bit of stealth conversation.
Scene-crowded diner

Waiter: You boys need anything else?

Boys: No thanks.

waiter walks away

Bill: Hey, did you ever mess around with that bird from Club Strange that was hitting on you?

Fred: Oh yeah- we got into some "70 minus 1" at an afterhours I saw her at last weekend.
by johnnyorbit April 24, 2007
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69 sexual position with a thumb in the ass
Dude she just 70'd me! That was fucked up
by Your Mr. E Mom April 11, 2009
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when two people who don't shave their pubes (most likely from a time like the 70's) are having sex, and their pubes get knotted and tangled together.

Causing a 70's tangle.
dude, i was fucking this one girl last night, and, we got into a little 70's tangle.
by adrlia July 8, 2009
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Person alive in the 1970's that remembers the popular rock culture of that age. Typically an older adult that is still hip, i.e. has long hair, trendy dress, and pop culture lifestyle.
by Grannelle August 19, 2011
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