This was a typical Krammer Shuffle.
by LePatsch June 5, 2020
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The LA shuffle is when someone walks down the middle of the street while peeing.
There goes Nate doing the LA shuffle.
by CrossFaded July 25, 2017
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The penguin shuffle is that walk of shame from your bed to the bathroom after ejaculating on pubes and belly whilst trying to not drop any.
My bro caught me doing the penguin shuffle to the bathroom, so awkward man!
by pacmanboy March 11, 2020
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The act of one killing themselves by applying a slippery substance to the floor to prevent recovery from hanging.
Man today really sucked…I think I’m going to commit the Hernandez shuffle.
by Shufflemaster420 November 21, 2021
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Where a woman gives a man oral and the man uses two dildo's on the womans vagina and anus. With all three actions simotaniously it resembles the workings of a motor. Continue until desired affect.
I gave Brooke the piston shuffle and she didn't walk right for a week.
by HAGARD May 26, 2008
The budgeted ability of the achievement of a swivelly chair
Person 1: “Shoudlve seen me last night, I had to do the flat 3 shuffle
by Aiden.Fukin January 15, 2021
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When you jerk off 2 people while also taking it in every hole including eye and ear hole
Jack wanted to do a Chicago sausage shuffle but I said no
by Ecrotex March 14, 2021
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