Karen Elson (born 14 January 1979 in Bolton, England) is a model and aspiring singer now living in New York.
Her trademarks are her red hair and her shaved eyebrows, which she was persuaded to do by top photographer, Steven Meisel. In 2005, Elson won a British Fashion Award for Best Model.
On June 1, 2005, she married Jack White (of the band The White Stripes) in Brazil. The wedding took place on a canoe in the Amazon River and was officiated by a shaman.
karen elson made it big when she appeared on the cover of Vogue.
by enid_______ August 12, 2006
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A mixed drink consisting of Smirnoff twisted or similar mild malt beverage mixed with freshly cut watermelon juice. Named after a treehugger who suggested the mixture to remedy the nasty flavor of Black Cherry Smirnoff.

Serve on ice.
Fizzy Karens are not only perfect for lightweights because of the flavor and low alcohol content, but theyre also PIIIINK!!!!
by gooberliberation July 23, 2006
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Whenever someone is saying confusing or dumb stuff and can’t understand what the person is saying
Jack: Imagine smoking broccoli

Ian: Okay Karen
by Jax90000 April 21, 2020
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A made-up profanity used in place of real ones, like crap and fuck.
There's a test today? Karen shit!!
by Garett Thomas October 5, 2006
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Not to be confused with the typical ‘Karen’ this lady is well dressed, considerate, calm and a lover of pugs. Her loyalty to her family is off the charts!
“Hey Nelly I need to be a True Karen and go hunt down my daughter who has escaped her tent! Grab your wine and leopard print scarf, shits about to get real!!”
by NellyKelly30 October 17, 2021
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