1. v. (past tense) To have played a bitterly divisive game of Words With Friends with someone, therefore becoming mortal enemies.
I used to be good friends with Bobby, but then we had words. Now whenever we see meet, we just let out insane karate kaias, and pummel each other with a tornado of kicks and punches.
by barry b March 22, 2013
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A sneaky way to tell someone "I love you" without actually saying it. A shorter version of Five Words which stands for "I love you very much". Very usefull when talking to your parents and your friends are around. Sneaking around on the girlfriend. Or in any other situation with someone or something.
kim: "i had a great time last night"

john: "me too, three words".
by Dr. flowerhouse March 21, 2011
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A word used as a signal to stop a sexual act, usually if it's too rough (ex: spankings, rough sex, anal sex)
WARNING! DO NOT in ANY given circumstances EVER use positive feedback as a safe word!! Some examples are "Daddy, yes!", "Please!", or "More!" You may think that you're going to remember that you should slow down, but c'mon let's get real here. It's going to get you even more excited.
Just be careful about what you agree upon.
Girl: ahh- SLOW DOWN!
Boy: *stops what he is doing* babe you used the safe word are you okay?
Girl: yea, but that got intense!
(Can have reversed/gay roles as well)
by StormyTheHalfLez April 23, 2018
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word diarrhea happens when you are trying to get a thought across gracefully but all of the words come from your brain and into your mouth at once.
Marty the word diarrhea that just came out of your has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard.
by mollybullshit December 5, 2007
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to mark the end of a conversation and your departure. opposite of word up
"Dude, I gotta run, word out"
by Shells April 21, 2004
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