"where is MVG Legend?
"oh he is just inactive"
by Acitivity man man January 22, 2018
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by June 22, 2021
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A violent game of football played on a small pitch.

The way the game is played is 2 people go on to start one in each net, the ball is placed in the middle of the pitch. Either of the two have to score on the other, when a player is scored against they go off and their team mate comes on. If a player manages to score five consecutive goals on the other team they win the game.

If you score instantly after coming on, its known as an Instant. If you score normally you are a legend, if you save a shot your a hero. Also If you miss the net it is a shocker.
Legend: Holy shit fat boy is an Instant Legend!

Hero: Really?

Legend: LOL JK!
Hero: LOL!
by NeilKetchum September 8, 2010
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A Nation ran by Dr.A's father, who's name shall not be said. This nation is so sacred and ancient, no one even knows it's location. They are the closest nation to God, it is practically heaven there. Dr.A's father became the leader after stumbling there for help not knowing what it was. The people felt God tell them it was the right thing to do, and God gave him powers in full trust. He knows that misuse will lead to dangerous and rebuking.
The Sacred Legends? Is it actually real?
by Randonarchy April 3, 2021
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Gabriel the Legend is what you call a friend who is the coolest person you could ever meet. They will be famous one day so you should stick with them. But watch out if your a simp someone called Gabriel the Legend probably hates simps and goes out with one of his twenty girls friends whenever he just feels like it. So yeah I would stick with him.
by Anonymous#013758381 March 1, 2021
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Traits of being a legend. To have legenditis.
He must have legenditis. He's a real legend. Not to be confused with leg-enditis.
by Knobheaditis July 13, 2016
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it's not about kim kardashian, it's about all the kpop artists named Kim
*kim heechul breathes* kim is a legend
*kim seokjin breathes* kim is a legend
*kim minseok breathes* kim is a legend
*kim jinwoo breathes* kim is a legend
*kim kibum breathes* kim is a legend
by kimisalegend May 23, 2018
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