Posting a status on Facebook, then replying with multiple comments before anyone else has responded - i.e. having a conversation with yourself.
Doing a Daniel:

Daniel: Feeling happy today.

Daniel: Although I'm kind of sleepy.

Daniel: Might have a nap.

Daniel: Thanks for reading.

Daniel: That is all.
by Ryme November 12, 2011
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verb- to "Daniel-Craig"- to kick/knee/whip or otherwise impact someone's testicles at high velocity.

Named after the ridiculous number of times that Daniel Craig hits people in the nuts, is hit in the nuts, or is otherwise involved in testicular violence in his movies. Most prominently Casino Royale and Cowboys vs. Aliens

When done properly, the attacker will shout "Daniel Craig!" while kicking the victim in the balls
Joe: "DANIEL CRAIG!" *kick*
Aaron: "Ow shit! not funny bro..."
Drunk Vince: "I will protect you!"

Miles: "That night of Daniel Craiging left me emasculated"
by NotVincentPensyl September 6, 2011
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Daniel Fart Alexander is a jealous Sri Lankan who is Pakistan's puppet and blindly hates India..In fact he was rejected a job proposal by an Indian boss back in 2013 which made him jobless.Now he is making his own money by getting paid for tweeting anything fake against India.He also got failed in class 10 and 12 which costed his life.Now he decided to be Pakistani's puppet and earn to have his 2 square meals
Daniel Alexander is a jealous Sri Lankan
by Danielle Freedman January 13, 2021
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The most pure, sweet, adorable angel to ever walk this earth. His voice is beautiful, as is he.
He is 1/5 of an amazing band, Why Don’t We.
He got 11th place on season 14 of American Idol, and he can play about a bajillion different instruments.
Person 1: I love Why Don’t We so much!
Person 2: I know right! Me too! My favorite is Daniel Seavey. He’s so adorable 💕
Person 1: We are such limelights
by IziMarie September 20, 2018
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A musical genius and a great artist with bi polar disorder. His music is characterized by simple guitar/piano and painfully direct lyrics. A lot His early works in the 80's is recorded on a sanyo boombox. His biggest influence is the Beatles.
Mike: Hey Bob Dylan was cool but was he cool enough to make money on lo-fi cheap cassettes
larry: Yeah Daniel Johnston is way cool
by Irie Fire January 20, 2009
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The author of several amazing books including The Basic Eight, a thrilling tale of murder. Mr. Handler is perhaps best known as Lemony Snicket's Handler (not to be confused with Lemony Snicket's manHandler).
"Oh look! There's Daniel Handler! He deserves a hug for his contributions to modern literature!"
by rorschachwins March 23, 2009
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Daniel Larson, often referred to as 'Mr. President', is a celebrity who works multiple jobs in the entertainment field while also updating his fans on tiktok with his current life situations. He is also currently dating Grace Vanderwaal (someone who is also working in the entertainment field).

His current jobs: Singer-songwriter, actor, and fashion model.

(some of) His phrases: currently, stay tuned, ceel, *anything mentioning his multiple cashapp accounts*, *anything about grace vanderwaal*, and many more including "his" brand called STD soaps.

Daniel also tends to have different eras. One of the most recent ones is "the institution/mental hospital" era in which Larson had told his fans that he was going to the hospital to see his mentor, but a day or so later, he was admitted into what we can only assume is a psychiatric hospital. He was placed on a hold/lockdown which many of his fans assume was a 5150.

He often complains about his care providers and how they usually only feed him (kraft?) macaroni and cheese.

Stay tuned, folks.
Person 1: Did you see daniel larson's new video?
Person 2: Yeah, we should probably donate to his cash app sometime soon.
by October 21, 2021
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